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Katie Jo Kruger
A Blog about my life, my family, but mostly Entertainment including Movies, TV Shows, Music, Video Games, and Other great stuff! Enjoy!
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2:59 PM
The show this week wasn't as good as the last two weeks, but it was still enjoyable to watch.
The Breakdown:
Sara Von Gillern and Jesus Solorio
- It's Okay (One Blood) - Krump
Shauna Noland and Cedric Gardner
- I Thought We Had - Contemporary
Lacey Schwimmer and Kameron Bink
- Big and Bad - Quick Step
Anya Garnis and Danny Tidwell
- Oh Timbaland - Hip-Hop
Sabra Johnson and Dominic Sandoval
- Stickwitu - Rumba
Lauren Gottlieb and Neil Haskell
- Tanguera - Tango
Jaimie Goodwin and Hokuto Konishi
- The Chairman's Waltz - Jazz
Jessi Peralta and Pasha Kovalev
- Let's Get Loud - Cha-Cha
- Jessi Peralta complained of chest pains and was unable to attend the taping due to doctors orders and further testing, but tonight she returned and got to dance with Pasha what they would have danced on Wednesday. It was awesome, but by default she was put in the Bottom.
Of all the dancers this week, I would have to say that my favorite was Jaimie and Hok!!! They rocked! It was a strange dance, but it was fantastic!
The Bottom Three:
Sara Von Gillern & Jesus Solorio
Anya Garnis & Danny Tidwell
Lauren Gottlieb & Neil Haskell
Jessi Peralta
Those that actually danced for their lives were Neil, Danny, and Sara, but everyone else didn't do too well. So the two going home, sadly, were Jessi Peralta & Jesus Solorio.
Until Next Week...
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10:45 PM
Tonight on American Inventor the Chicago and New York Finalists were chosen.
From Chicago there was:
Elmer George & the Wizball
Wesley Caudill & Xpert Racers
Elaine Cato & the 6-in-1 Backless Bra
From New York there was:
Craig Forest and David Moeller & The Claw - to hang Bicycles
David Mallet & The Ultimate Icebreaker - The Wingman
Ann Marie Bryan & the Wearable Speaker Vest
The Winners were:
Chicago - Elaine Cato & the 6-in-1 Backless Bra
New York - Craig Forest and David Moeller & The Claw
I was happy with the judges decision. I think they made the right choice. Peter Jones was really crazy, though. He thought that The Claw was a bad idea. Of course, he is a billionaire!!! Hello, Peter!!! Us simple folk hang up our bikes on hooks because we don't have a 22-car garage!!! Duh!!! And the hook is hard - sometimes your bike gets stuck and the bike is already pretty heavy. You risk injury every time you hang up or take down your bike. The Claw is awesome in the respect that it is only a simple up-and-down motion to hang the bike up. Less dangerous. Peter has no idea what he's talking about!
Posted by
10:36 PM
Tonight's episode of Kyle XY - The List is Life - was all about being labeled.
As the episode takes off, Hillary is worried about the List that the school produces every year from people's votes. Last year she was called the biggest slut, so this year she works on her look and revirginization process. She enlists the help of Lori, and the two of them are on a mission to revirginize themselves. They talk with Amanda Bloom about what it's like to be a virgin, and she reveals that she is thinking about sleeping with Charlie, her boyfriend of two years. Hillary, who had secretly cheated with Charlie, tells Amanda to wait on that.
On the flip side of things, Josh Trager now has a job, and he is also frustrated with an online game that he is playing. Some kid called Andy keeps beating him, but soon Josh meets the kid and finds out that the one who is beating him is a girl. (Possible Romance there???)
Tom Foss did much research on abilities that people had had in centuries past, and he had Kyle try to walk on hot, burning coals as a way of him controlling his body temperature. Kyle couldn't do it and left after he had received a phone call from Lori about Amanda's decision to sleep with Charlie the night of their 2nd year anniversary.
XX, who is being detained in a testing facility, has a life created for her and her other memories erased so that she thinks she is Jessi Hollander, Emily Hollander's sister. Jessi XX goes with her "sister" to the bonfire party that night, and at the party, she senses Kyle's presence. Kyle senses the same. Jessi XX starts to look around for him, but she is soon bumped from behind by a young man. The guy touches her arm, and reacting from a flash of one of her earliest memories, she grabs him by the throat and lifts him up. Emily Hollander rushes in and stops her. The two leave the party.
Back at the bonfire party, Lori finally meets up with Declan. He had been avoiding Lori, her phone calls, and her desperate attempts at talking to him ever since Kyle let him down about who he is. Lori finally confronted Declan about the issue of them, and he told her that he wanted to break up. In tears, Lori left his side.
Also at the party was Charlie Tanner, the biggest cheater at the school. A girl at the party told him to meet her in the sex shack, but before he could meet up with her, Declan told him about Kyle's attempts at telling Amanda the truth. Charlie told the girl that he would be there in a few minutes. Charlie left to find Amanda and Kyle. When he found them, Kyle had just finished letting Amanda know that he had something to tell her about but wasn't sure she wanted to hear it from him. Before Kyle could tell her about her boyfriend's cheating ways, Charlie interrupted and told Amanda that the pop had run out. She left, and Charlie told Kyle to shut up about what he knew.
Kyle then decided to leave the party, but Declan caught up with him. As they argued, the shack that they were near caught on fire. Charlie ran there and told them that there was a girl inside. Declan told Charlie to go get help, and he ran off. Kyle, on the other hand, burst into the building and carried out the young girl. When he dropped to his knees on the sand, Declan looked at Kyle's clothes and exclaimed, "You aren't burnt. Why aren't you burnt?" Declan then urged Kyle to flee, but before he could disappear completely from the scene, Nicole Trager saw Kyle in his smoldering clothes.
Back at the Trager home, Nicole had a talk with Kyle about what happened, but Kyle told her that he couldn't reveal his secrets. He wanted to keep the Tragers safe.
At school the next day, the list arrived. To her surprise, Hillary wasn't on the list at all that year, Lori and Declan were named the Best Couple, and Charlie Tanner was called the Biggest Slut. When Amanda sat down next to Lori, she was given the list. At first she thought it was a joke about her boyfriend, but Hillary told her the truth about Charlie. Amanda turned to Kyle and told him that he was wrong about not wanting to hear it from him, and then she left the lunchroom in tears.
Later that day, Kyle returned to Tom Foss's hideout and told him that he was ready to continue with his training.
Until Next Monday...
Posted by
11:36 PM
Last night was the last time we got to spend time with the Chapmans before their big move to Arizona. It was fun, but it was sad. Of the whole Chapman family (Bob, Kendra, Corey, Haley) Bob Chapman was probably the one person I got to know the most. He was the electric guitarist on our church's worship team, but everyone knew him as either Sideshow Bob or Dirty Bob. The Dirty Bob referred to the guitar - as in playing it clean or dirty - not something else...LOL. He was a fun guy to get to know, and I loved having him on the worship team with me. We were always joking around. He was such a jokester! Several times when he met people he would say, "Hi, I'm Bob Chapman running for President." Hilarious guy!!! Loved him!!! He and my Dad were great friends as well as Kendra and my Mom. Corey and Haley were great friends with my brothers. They were too young for me to hang out with, but they were still fun. Corey will always be one of my biggest fans and one of the loudest people I've ever met! LOL!!! And Haley will always be the most rambunctious person I've ever met, but she always had such a sweet innocence about her. I love them all! And I'll miss them all!!! Bye, Chapmans!!! And God Bless Your Steps!!!
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5:05 PM
Tonight was a very late night because my Mom, Dad, brother Isaac, and I went to the Humboldt theatre to see Surf's Up and Ocean's Thirteen. Both were pretty good movies. I wouldn't call either of them great, but they were still pretty good. Worth seeing at least once. Surf's Up was a little different seeing as how it was a documentary about a penguin named Cody Maverick. It was unique but good. Ocean's Thirteen was definitely better than Ocean's Twelve, but Ocean's Eleven is still the BEST!!! O's13 went back to the O's11 style of setting up one BIG heist. It was very good, but O's11 can never be beat!!!
Surf's Up Trailer
Ocean's Thirteen Trailer
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11:59 PM
Today, Saturday, I went into the United Bank of Iowa to meet with two people for the 3rd time about the Teller position they had open. This time it wasn't so much an interview but an overview of the position and then a offer to take the job. I am still not sure about taking this position because it is part-time and doesn't have medical or life insurance benefits. I am now out of college and need/want a full-time job so that I can start saving up to move out of my parents's house. But I could also go back to college and get my Accounting Degree and have a great part-time job on the side. I am still unsure about all of this, so it is to my Father that I run. Through prayer and meditation I will come to a decision. Either way I will give glory to my Heavenly Father through whichever job He leads me into. Thank You, Lord!!!
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1:43 PM
Today my friend and I went to the Fort 8 Theatre to see the Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer. It was an excellent movie, and I really want to see it again! When I had first seen the Fantastic Four, I thought it wasn't that great of a movie, but after watching it again recently, I fell in love with it. And so the second movie was even better than the first! I thought that this was one of the great superhero movies of our time - good enough to rival Spiderman 3!!! In fact, I'll just say it - Fantastic Four 2 WAS better than Spiderman 3!!! I love the Fantastic Four characters and the storyline was great, too! All in all, it was a great movie! You should DEFINITELY see it!!!
My friend and I had gone to see FF2 in the afternoon, and after watching that movie, we went back to my house where my Dad and my brothers were unloading our new furniture into our basement. One of our family friends - the Chapmans - graciously gave us their furniture to replace our horribly used-up couches and chairs. It was very nice of them. Of course, with them moving to Arizona, they didn't have use for their furniture anymore. Our basement now looks great, but I would rather have the Chapmans than new furniture any day. :( :( :(
The rest of the day, my friend Laura and I just did whatever, ate pizza, and watched "Daddy's Little Girls" that night with my parents. It was a fun day - sure to be remembered!
Posted by
10:59 PM
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