Avatar Season Finale
It has been a great Earth Season of Avatar! I loved that Appa went missing. Even though that was horrible for several episodes, it still gave the story a great plot. But what I couldn't believe was when Zuko set Appa free! That was truly Amazing! I loved Iroh's speech to Zuko at that time, too...about choosing your own destiny and letting go of what others were telling him to do. It was great! But then Zuko threw that all away and turned his back on Iroh. Now he's running with Azula, his sinister sister. Poor Iroh! What a great season finale, too! I can't wait till the next season starts. Iroh is sure to be Aang's firebending teacher. And I'm still hoping that Zuko will turn to the good side of things and join Aang in defeating the firelord. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.