American Idol *~* Top 10 *~*
This week my Tivo didn’t record American Idol because I had forgotten to set it. But I wasn’t worried because I have and they always put all of the performances on there. So…today I watched them…and I hope I got the order right. Here it is!
In order of performance
(1) LaKisha Jones – Randy said that it was good to see the up-tempo stuff, she had on good boots, was hot, and had a true diva style to it. Paula said that she did the song and the artist justice. Simon said that he loved those boots, and now she is thirty years younger this week, good up-tempo song, big note at the end, and the real LaKisha is back. I thought it was good, too.
(2) Chris Sligh – It wasn’t that good of a performance, and it seemed like he wasn’t keeping with the tempo. Randy said that it was a good song for him, but the biggest problem was that rhythmically he was way ahead of the band. Rhythm-wise it was a train wreck. Paula said that the biggest criticism she can give him this season is that he needs to stay with the rhythm, but vocally it was good. Simon said that it was a mess especially at this stage in the competition. It was all over the place and the song didn’t suite him.
(3) Gina Glocksen – Randy said that he liked her boots and it was one of her best performances ever. He said that she has a big voice and just needs to believe in herself. Paula said that she improved and chose a good song that allowed her to soar with her vocals. Simon said that it wasn’t one of her best…it WAS her BEST performance. He also said that she chose the right song, and it was the best performance of the night so far. I would have to disagree. Her best performance was when she sang the Evanescence song, but this was great, too. I just love the rocker Gina!
(4) Sanjaya Malakar – WOW! The hair was horrible! And so was the singing! He sings way too softly, and you can’t hear him that well…not that we want to! Randy said that Sanjaya has him speechless every time – is it the hair or the rotten voice? He said the hairdo was interesting and liked the kind of Mohawk look. He also said that he could actually sing if he just put it out there. Paula said that if he had the ability to just go for it, he could do it. Simon said that he presumed there was no mirror in his room that night. Simon also said that it doesn’t matter anymore what they say. He says Sanjaya is in his own universe, and if people like him, good luck! In other words, “You are really bad at singing, and I don’t understand why people vote for you!”
(5) Haley Scarnato – She butchered the classic song “True Colors.” It wasn’t that great at all because she can’t sing that good. Randy said that it started a little rough but got better towards the end, but just alright and okay. He said it didn’t draw him in at all and had some pitchy moments. Paula said that it was more of an adult contemporary performance and didn’t stay young. Randy interjected with it not being the right song for her voice. Simon said that it was sweet but forgettable, there was nothing to remember really, too safe, and she needs to do better.
(6) Phil Stacey – Too Much Makeup!!! Randy said that he actually kind of liked it, was a really solid performance, and he didn’t push it. Paula said that he has so much personality and color, and the chorus was where he hit it. She also said that the verses are where he plays it safe until it builds up to the chorus, so he needs to build more character in the verses. Simon said that he actually thought that was very good, was a great choice of song, and he felt that this was the first time he actually took this competition seriously and tried to do well. I thought it was pretty good, too.
(7) Melinda Doolittle – Another good performance by the infamous Melinda! Randy said that he called her the pro last week because she comes out every week with everything worked out and doesn’t just sing but actually lives the words of the song. She sings with feeling all throughout the song! Paula said that she has charisma and tells a story from the very first word that comes out of her mouth, and she is so joyful when she sings. Simon said that it probably wasn’t her best performance but vocally, as usual, was outstanding. And he said that he hated the outfit. I kinda liked the outfit, and she, of course, sang great again!
(8) Blake Lewis – Randy said that it wasn’t the perfect song choice for him, but he made the most of it and left it in a tender spot, and he liked it. Paula said she loved what he did with the song. He’s taking risks, making it contemporary, original, hip, and fun. She also said she would love to see him in the finale. Simon said that he is the strongest guy in the competition for sure, but he said he needs to be careful of being too indulgent and too boring. For sure, he is the front running guy!
(9) Jordin Sparks – I liked her performance, but it wasn’t her best. Randy said that it was a very risky thing to do, stylizing a song like that, but she could sing anything and would be a great performing artist. Paula said that she is adorable, hip, young, and she loves seeing her in that kind of mode. Simon said that she is probably the most improved contestant. She appeared much younger and more confident, but the song was a little copy-cattish. Good Job Again, Jordin!
(10) Chris Richardson – It was a good, solid performance this week for him, and I liked it. Randy said that it was very interesting and he liked his flavor, but it wasn’t his best vocal. Paula said that he is good, very good. Simon said that he did much better at the song choice this week, but he wasn’t crazy about the vocal. He said that he struggled in the middle and needs to pay more attention to his vocals.
All over, it was another good week. I guess we’ll see who is gone tonight. I’ve lost hoping in Sanjaya’s kick off. There are those people out there who are ruining American Idol by voting for the worst because they are bitter at being shooed away. Come on! You are sent home because you can’t sing! If only your friends and family say you are good, you need to get another opinion by a stranger before auditioning for American Idol…only then will you truly know if you have a good voice!
Anytime you want to watch videos of the American Idol Contestants, just check out