American Idol *~* TOP 2 *~* FINALE
Tonight was a pretty good night for Blake Lewis and Jordin Sparks. Blake was a good performer, and Jordin had an awesome voice!!! All in all, a pleasurable night to watch. So...let's get down to the performances...
~Blake Lewis~
(1) Favorite From Season: "You Give Love A Bad Name" - I loved this performance when he first did it! His beatboxing was so cool! But this week his voice was pretty flat on the song, though the performance of it was better, and even the beatboxing was a little better - but the voice was definitely flat. Randy said that he gave it a 10 out of 10 for the beatboxing, but the singing was just alright; Paula said that he outdid himself from the previous time he did it, and it was better than a 10; and Simon said that he is not the best singer but the best performer, the energy was amazing, the performance was great, but the singing was flat and it was shouted.
(2) Song Not Performed Before: "She Will Be Loved" - I liked this song and his performance of it was alright. Randy said that it was a great song, nice vocal, natural, pure, and very nice; Paula said that he got into the song with ease and it sounded great; and Simon said that it was good, safe, not as good as the first, and would have no impact for the Finale.
(3) Song Writer's Contest: "This Is My Now" - Blake did a much more upbeat version than Jordin did, and Blake's performance was good, but his vocals were once again flat and just alright. Randy said that it was not a song that suited him well, he did a pretty good job but it wasn't great; Paula said the opposite - she liked the song very much and said his voice was great; and Simon said that it was odd because it wasn't his type of song, and he also said that there was definitely talent in Seattle (referring to the song).
*Jordin Sparks*
(1) Song Not Performed Before: "Fighter" - I liked this upbeat song that she did, and I think that she performed it well and the singing was fantastic! Randy said that tonight it was the great entertainer vs. the great singer, in other words, she wasn't the greatest at the entertainment but had a stellar, brilliant, amazing voice; Paula said that it was stellar, awesome, and one of the best Finales so far of AI; and Simon said that it was good to see her choose a younger song but the vocals were a bit shrieky.
(2) Favorite From Season: "A Broken Wing" - I liked it the first time she did it, and I liked it the second time she did it! Randy said that she is the the most talented 17 year old he has ever seen, the performance and vocals were flawless, unbelievable, and better than the original; Paula said that she has a great, great vocal voice, is adorable, was really, really great, and was soaring and soaring; and Simon said, "Now that was good!"
(3) Song Writer's Contest: "This Is My Now" - I loved Jordin's version of this song! She blew it out of the theatre! She was so awesome! That was the Reason she should win!!! Randy said that she was the best singer of the night and she deserves it all; Paula said that she made her so frickin' proud, was a great night for her, and she is an angel; and Simon said that last week he didn't think she was good enough to make the Finale, but after that performance, he said he was wrong - she wiped the floor with Blake on that song!
So...Who Will WIN???
Since my prediction was wrong last week, I'll leave my 2 cents out, but the Judges said...
(R) - If looked at as a Singing Competition, Jordin wins the night!
(P) - They all end up Winners!
(S) - Based on Performance (Blake) - Based on Singing (Jordin)
Last night I voted for the American Idol contestants for the first time. I voted for Blake Lewis ONCE and for Jordin Sparks TWENTY TIMES!!! Oh, YEAH!!! I am truly hoping that this year doesn't turn out to be another "Taylor Hicks Year" - Based on Performance. I would love to see Jordin Sparks win!!! She rocks! Blake has an okay voice, but her voice is fantastic!!! She deserves it the most! Here's to hoping that she WINS!!!
Also, if Jordin Sparks wins, I will start voting regularly next year. I voted twenty times - she BETTER WIN!!! If she doesn't, I will NEVER vote again!
Check out all AI Videos on IdolStarTV.