I LOVE PayPerPost!!!
I have been signed up on PayPerPost ever since February, and I just love it! So far I have earned a total of $350!!! And what have I done with it all? Well, I have boughten a new 19" LCD FlatScreen Monitor for my awesome computer! It looks great and is so nice to have for watching movies and even for blogging! I have also boughten the Left Behind Kids Series with my money. All of this was great to buy with the extra money. Without that money I wouldn't have boughten these things, but it has been great to spoil myself a little!
I have also been in contact with a new PayPerPost signie. That person had heard about my blog because of PayPerPost's Blog of the Day feature. It was cool to be recognized by PPP, and it was great to be able to help a new PPP member. Through word of mouth marketing I have signed up my cousin and my mother onto PayPerPost. My cousin has already made some money! It is always great to have that extra cash, and that is why I love PayPerPost!