Ratatouille Trailer
A Blog about my life, my family, but mostly Entertainment including Movies, TV Shows, Music, Video Games, and Other great stuff! Enjoy!
Posted by
2:59 PM
The show this week wasn't as good as the last two weeks, but it was still enjoyable to watch.
The Breakdown:
Sara Von Gillern and Jesus Solorio
- It's Okay (One Blood) - Krump
Shauna Noland and Cedric Gardner
- I Thought We Had - Contemporary
Lacey Schwimmer and Kameron Bink
- Big and Bad - Quick Step
Anya Garnis and Danny Tidwell
- Oh Timbaland - Hip-Hop
Sabra Johnson and Dominic Sandoval
- Stickwitu - Rumba
Lauren Gottlieb and Neil Haskell
- Tanguera - Tango
Jaimie Goodwin and Hokuto Konishi
- The Chairman's Waltz - Jazz
Jessi Peralta and Pasha Kovalev
- Let's Get Loud - Cha-Cha
- Jessi Peralta complained of chest pains and was unable to attend the taping due to doctors orders and further testing, but tonight she returned and got to dance with Pasha what they would have danced on Wednesday. It was awesome, but by default she was put in the Bottom.
Of all the dancers this week, I would have to say that my favorite was Jaimie and Hok!!! They rocked! It was a strange dance, but it was fantastic!
The Bottom Three:
Sara Von Gillern & Jesus Solorio
Anya Garnis & Danny Tidwell
Lauren Gottlieb & Neil Haskell
Jessi Peralta
Those that actually danced for their lives were Neil, Danny, and Sara, but everyone else didn't do too well. So the two going home, sadly, were Jessi Peralta & Jesus Solorio.
Until Next Week...
Check out IdolStarTV.com for MORE Videos!!!
Posted by
10:45 PM
Tonight on American Inventor the Chicago and New York Finalists were chosen.
From Chicago there was:
Elmer George & the Wizball
Wesley Caudill & Xpert Racers
Elaine Cato & the 6-in-1 Backless Bra
From New York there was:
Craig Forest and David Moeller & The Claw - to hang Bicycles
David Mallet & The Ultimate Icebreaker - The Wingman
Ann Marie Bryan & the Wearable Speaker Vest
The Winners were:
Chicago - Elaine Cato & the 6-in-1 Backless Bra
New York - Craig Forest and David Moeller & The Claw
I was happy with the judges decision. I think they made the right choice. Peter Jones was really crazy, though. He thought that The Claw was a bad idea. Of course, he is a billionaire!!! Hello, Peter!!! Us simple folk hang up our bikes on hooks because we don't have a 22-car garage!!! Duh!!! And the hook is hard - sometimes your bike gets stuck and the bike is already pretty heavy. You risk injury every time you hang up or take down your bike. The Claw is awesome in the respect that it is only a simple up-and-down motion to hang the bike up. Less dangerous. Peter has no idea what he's talking about!
Posted by
10:36 PM
Tonight's episode of Kyle XY - The List is Life - was all about being labeled.
As the episode takes off, Hillary is worried about the List that the school produces every year from people's votes. Last year she was called the biggest slut, so this year she works on her look and revirginization process. She enlists the help of Lori, and the two of them are on a mission to revirginize themselves. They talk with Amanda Bloom about what it's like to be a virgin, and she reveals that she is thinking about sleeping with Charlie, her boyfriend of two years. Hillary, who had secretly cheated with Charlie, tells Amanda to wait on that.
On the flip side of things, Josh Trager now has a job, and he is also frustrated with an online game that he is playing. Some kid called Andy keeps beating him, but soon Josh meets the kid and finds out that the one who is beating him is a girl. (Possible Romance there???)
Tom Foss did much research on abilities that people had had in centuries past, and he had Kyle try to walk on hot, burning coals as a way of him controlling his body temperature. Kyle couldn't do it and left after he had received a phone call from Lori about Amanda's decision to sleep with Charlie the night of their 2nd year anniversary.
XX, who is being detained in a testing facility, has a life created for her and her other memories erased so that she thinks she is Jessi Hollander, Emily Hollander's sister. Jessi XX goes with her "sister" to the bonfire party that night, and at the party, she senses Kyle's presence. Kyle senses the same. Jessi XX starts to look around for him, but she is soon bumped from behind by a young man. The guy touches her arm, and reacting from a flash of one of her earliest memories, she grabs him by the throat and lifts him up. Emily Hollander rushes in and stops her. The two leave the party.
Back at the bonfire party, Lori finally meets up with Declan. He had been avoiding Lori, her phone calls, and her desperate attempts at talking to him ever since Kyle let him down about who he is. Lori finally confronted Declan about the issue of them, and he told her that he wanted to break up. In tears, Lori left his side.
Also at the party was Charlie Tanner, the biggest cheater at the school. A girl at the party told him to meet her in the sex shack, but before he could meet up with her, Declan told him about Kyle's attempts at telling Amanda the truth. Charlie told the girl that he would be there in a few minutes. Charlie left to find Amanda and Kyle. When he found them, Kyle had just finished letting Amanda know that he had something to tell her about but wasn't sure she wanted to hear it from him. Before Kyle could tell her about her boyfriend's cheating ways, Charlie interrupted and told Amanda that the pop had run out. She left, and Charlie told Kyle to shut up about what he knew.
Kyle then decided to leave the party, but Declan caught up with him. As they argued, the shack that they were near caught on fire. Charlie ran there and told them that there was a girl inside. Declan told Charlie to go get help, and he ran off. Kyle, on the other hand, burst into the building and carried out the young girl. When he dropped to his knees on the sand, Declan looked at Kyle's clothes and exclaimed, "You aren't burnt. Why aren't you burnt?" Declan then urged Kyle to flee, but before he could disappear completely from the scene, Nicole Trager saw Kyle in his smoldering clothes.
Back at the Trager home, Nicole had a talk with Kyle about what happened, but Kyle told her that he couldn't reveal his secrets. He wanted to keep the Tragers safe.
At school the next day, the list arrived. To her surprise, Hillary wasn't on the list at all that year, Lori and Declan were named the Best Couple, and Charlie Tanner was called the Biggest Slut. When Amanda sat down next to Lori, she was given the list. At first she thought it was a joke about her boyfriend, but Hillary told her the truth about Charlie. Amanda turned to Kyle and told him that he was wrong about not wanting to hear it from him, and then she left the lunchroom in tears.
Later that day, Kyle returned to Tom Foss's hideout and told him that he was ready to continue with his training.
Until Next Monday...
Posted by
11:36 PM
Last night was the last time we got to spend time with the Chapmans before their big move to Arizona. It was fun, but it was sad. Of the whole Chapman family (Bob, Kendra, Corey, Haley) Bob Chapman was probably the one person I got to know the most. He was the electric guitarist on our church's worship team, but everyone knew him as either Sideshow Bob or Dirty Bob. The Dirty Bob referred to the guitar - as in playing it clean or dirty - not something else...LOL. He was a fun guy to get to know, and I loved having him on the worship team with me. We were always joking around. He was such a jokester! Several times when he met people he would say, "Hi, I'm Bob Chapman running for President." Hilarious guy!!! Loved him!!! He and my Dad were great friends as well as Kendra and my Mom. Corey and Haley were great friends with my brothers. They were too young for me to hang out with, but they were still fun. Corey will always be one of my biggest fans and one of the loudest people I've ever met! LOL!!! And Haley will always be the most rambunctious person I've ever met, but she always had such a sweet innocence about her. I love them all! And I'll miss them all!!! Bye, Chapmans!!! And God Bless Your Steps!!!
Posted by
5:05 PM
Tonight was a very late night because my Mom, Dad, brother Isaac, and I went to the Humboldt theatre to see Surf's Up and Ocean's Thirteen. Both were pretty good movies. I wouldn't call either of them great, but they were still pretty good. Worth seeing at least once. Surf's Up was a little different seeing as how it was a documentary about a penguin named Cody Maverick. It was unique but good. Ocean's Thirteen was definitely better than Ocean's Twelve, but Ocean's Eleven is still the BEST!!! O's13 went back to the O's11 style of setting up one BIG heist. It was very good, but O's11 can never be beat!!!
Surf's Up Trailer
Ocean's Thirteen Trailer
Posted by
11:59 PM
Today, Saturday, I went into the United Bank of Iowa to meet with two people for the 3rd time about the Teller position they had open. This time it wasn't so much an interview but an overview of the position and then a offer to take the job. I am still not sure about taking this position because it is part-time and doesn't have medical or life insurance benefits. I am now out of college and need/want a full-time job so that I can start saving up to move out of my parents's house. But I could also go back to college and get my Accounting Degree and have a great part-time job on the side. I am still unsure about all of this, so it is to my Father that I run. Through prayer and meditation I will come to a decision. Either way I will give glory to my Heavenly Father through whichever job He leads me into. Thank You, Lord!!!
Posted by
1:43 PM
Today my friend and I went to the Fort 8 Theatre to see the Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer. It was an excellent movie, and I really want to see it again! When I had first seen the Fantastic Four, I thought it wasn't that great of a movie, but after watching it again recently, I fell in love with it. And so the second movie was even better than the first! I thought that this was one of the great superhero movies of our time - good enough to rival Spiderman 3!!! In fact, I'll just say it - Fantastic Four 2 WAS better than Spiderman 3!!! I love the Fantastic Four characters and the storyline was great, too! All in all, it was a great movie! You should DEFINITELY see it!!!
My friend and I had gone to see FF2 in the afternoon, and after watching that movie, we went back to my house where my Dad and my brothers were unloading our new furniture into our basement. One of our family friends - the Chapmans - graciously gave us their furniture to replace our horribly used-up couches and chairs. It was very nice of them. Of course, with them moving to Arizona, they didn't have use for their furniture anymore. Our basement now looks great, but I would rather have the Chapmans than new furniture any day. :( :( :(
The rest of the day, my friend Laura and I just did whatever, ate pizza, and watched "Daddy's Little Girls" that night with my parents. It was a fun day - sure to be remembered!
Posted by
10:59 PM
This week was awesome!!! There was really only one group that I didn't like and that was Faina and Cedric, but everyone else was great!!! If I had to pick an absolute favorite, though, it would have to be Danny and Anya!!! So Beautiful!!! Anyway...here is this week's lineup...
1) Lauren Gottlieb and Neil Haskell
- Hip Hop - The Way I Are
2) Jessi Peralta and Pasha Kovalev
- Jazz - Stiff Jazz
3) Jaimie Goodwin and Hokuto Konishi
- Samba - Bang Bang To The Rock-N-Roll
4) Sabra Johnson and Dominic Sandoval
- Contemporary - I'll Stand By You
5) Fiana Savich and Cedric Gardner
- Foxtrot - You're The Boss
6) Lacey Schwimmer and Kameron Bink
- Broadway - Overture/And All That Jazz (Chicago)
7) Anya Garnis and Danny Tidwell
- Vietnamese Waltz - You and Me
8) Shauna Noland and Jimmy Arguello
- Hip Hop - U Sexy Girl
9) Sara Von Gillern and Jesus Solorio
- Paso Doble - We Will Rock You
The Bottom Three:
Jessi Peralta and Pasha Kovalev
Fiana Savich and Cedric Gardner
Shauna Noland and Jimmy Arguello
And Who Went Home???
For the girls it was Fiana Savich, and for the guys, sadly, the judges chose Cedric over Jimmy Arguello. Goodbye to Fiana and Jimmy!!! :( :( :(
Until Next Week...be sure to check out IdolStarTV.com for all of the So You Think You Can Dance videos!!!
Posted by
10:25 PM
After I did my very first Tomb Raider Anniversary YouTube video, I started to get more and more interested in making videos and putting them on YouTube. I also couldn't wait for the game, so I was excited about all of the downloads on the game I could find. After downloading all of the cutscenes from the new Tomb Raider game, I made four more YouTube videos, and then I made a video with ALL 10 Trailers to the game, and then I made two more videos on the old cutscenes from the very first Tomb Raider game - The Original! I now have 8 homemade videos on YouTube! You gotta check them out!!!
My Profile - AgnamiKTJo
Video #1 TRA Music Video - "Have A Nice Day"
Video #2 TRA ALL Cutscenes Part 1
Video #3 TRA ALL Cutscenes Part 2
Video #4 TRA ALL Cutscenes Part 3
Video #5 TRA ALL Cutscenes Part 4
Video #6 TRA Original Cutscenes Part 1
Video #7 TRA Original Cutscenes Part 2
Video #8 TRA ALL 10 Trailers
Posted by
5:42 PM
Do you like THE POLICE??? Well...I sure do! Who could ever forget such great songs as "Roxanne," "Message in a Bottle," "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic," "Every Breath You Take," and many, many more!!! The video game Guitar Hero II even featured their song "Message in a Bottle" as a playable song, and it is one of my favorite songs to listen to and play along with!!! But guess what? Just recently released was a 2-Disc compilation of THE POLICE's greatest hits!!! This is a definite buy because it has 28 legendary songs by one of the greatest and most successful bands of all time!!! If you purchase your copy of this Police CD, you will also get a vintage poster of the famous band. So...what are you waiting for? Buy it today!
If you want to learn more and even look at the track list of the CD, check out this awesome Banner. On there you can look at the songs that are on the CD, listen to some of the songs with the jukebox, watch THE POLICE music videos, check out their Tour site and information, Enter a Contest, send that site address to a friend, and even download cool ringtones. And be sure to buy the awesome 2-Disc CD in celebration of the greatest band ever - THE POLICE!!!
Please click on this to go and view an awesome banner where you can watch The Police's videos, listen to tracks from The Police's new 2 CD hits collection, enter to win a trip to NYC to see The Police in concert and even view details about their current world tour.
Posted by
5:22 PM
This week was all about the auditions in Chicago and New York, and so far there hasn't been a single "YES" vote in New York. Wouldn't that be something? No finalists from New York! Well...their ideas are ridiculous! But this week, there was one "ridiculous" idea that really stood out. It was the "Black Cougar." At first I thought this guy was crazy, but then slowly I started to understand his idea. The Judge, Sara Blakely, said to the guys, "If the creator of Spiderman had come in here, would you have turned him away?" She was very right in her thinking. He created a new superhero, and as we have seen firsthand, superheroes can earn BIG cash. But the judges didn't put the guy through. Oh well. I couldn't see the "Black Cougar" becoming as popular as the other superheroes we have today, but Sara did make a very good point. Well...till next week!!!
Posted by
5:15 PM
Do you like to shop around, looking for the best prices, the cheapest deals, the greatest clearances? If so, then you must be one of those people that love to KEEP CASH! You know, saving is a priority to you, and so you hunt for the best prices, waiting for that perfect moment to buy the item you want. Do you use coupons? Or did you know that you can even use coupons ONLINE and save BIG money? It's true! You can save BIG and KEEP ALL THE CASH YOU WANT!!! Online coupons are the greatest way to shop across the Internet.
Why just yesterday I used one of the fantastic Amazon.com Deals to get that Tomb Raider Anniversary video game I've been waiting for for over a month now! "What WAS that deal!?" you ask. Well...Amazon.com has an awesome opportunity right now that lets you get FREE shipping on any orders over $25. I saved some cash by using their great deal, and that video game I bought was cheaper than if I had boughten it from the store. And the best part is that Amazon.com is terrific at shipping their merchandise. They got that video game to me so fast that I still can't believe the shipping for it was FREE!!! WOW!!!
But saving and Keeping Your Cash doesn't stop at just Amazon.com. NO!!! There are thousands of coupons to choose from and over a thousand stores from which to pick out those coupons! The chances to save money are endless!!! You can save money by using BestBuy.com Coupons for all of your electronic needs, Walmart.com Deals for your online shopping experiences, or get that perfect gift for your sweetheart or close friend with FragranceNet.com Coupon Codes. The possibilities are numerous!!! So check out the KEEP CASH website and keep more of that cash in your pockets!!!
"This is a paid post."
Posted by
5:43 PM
In this 2nd episode "The Homecoming," Kyle has come home to the Tragers but with a bit of news. Adam Baylin's old confidant and friend poses as Kyle's parents's attorney and tells the Tragers that Kyle's parents were killed in a car accident and have left Kyle in the custody of their family. Also from this man, the Tragers learn that for the five years that Kyle was missing, he had been abducted by Adam Baylin, a man that had lost his son many years ago. Adam Baylin's son looked like Kyle, so the man had kidnapped Kyle and made him as his own son. Under the care of Adam Baylin, Kyle was taught physics, math, and science, henceforth becoming a bright kid. And when Adam took his own life, Kyle was left to wander in the woods, and he coped with the circumstance through amnesia. This was the attorney's explanation/lie to the Tragers in order to keep Kyle's true identity under the radar and the Tragers out of danger.
Also in this episode, we learn that Josh is disappointed in the fact that Kyle is just a normal teenager. He really wished that he had been much more. Kyle then comes face-to-face with his first crush Amanda, and he learns that she is still together with her cheating, back-stabbing boyfriend. Apparently she doesn't know about her boyfriend's horrible ways. Kyle is also confronted by Declan who demands to know what or who Kyle is. Declan tells Kyle of his struggles to stay focused, his poor grades, his family problems - all because of the mysteries surrounding Kyle - but Kyle refuses to tell Declan the truth. Earlier that day Foss had warned Kyle of the dangers of letting people know who he really is. Foss told him that if anyone outside of the Trager family found out, they might come and take him away. The heated conversation between Foss and Kyle got so loud for Kyle that he broke the glass overhead and it fell on top of them both. Foss then looked at Kyle and told him that that is the reason he can't tell anyone, so Kyle keeps his mouth shut.
And finally we meet XX. Just like Kyle, she is stranded in the forest. But this time there is no loving family to greet her and take her in. Instead she is met with a greasy outdoors man who looks at her with lust. When he tries to make a move on her, she stops him by putting her hand around his neck and choking him to death. She then eats his food and puts on his coat. In the morning she goes walking in the park, and she watches all the people around her, learning their strange ways. Then a young man runs past the park, and XX looks up to see Kyle. He doesn't see her, so he keeps running along. XX soon leaves the park and goes to a storage area where she enters one of the crates. There she draws pictures of all of the people she met, especially Kyle. On the flip side of this story, Emily Hollander is hired by a special company that knew about Zzyzx and their "assets." Emily is to locate and bring in XX. When Emily finds her, she also discovers that XY may not be dead after all.
Good episode! Can't wait till next week!
Posted by
10:39 PM
I bought this game online the day it was scheduled to come out, but I still haven't received it. So instead of waiting for it, I went to Wal-Mart the Thursday during VBS and bought the game. I started playing it on Friday! Wow! I love this game so far! I have only gotten to St. Francis Folly, but I have actually played this game for several, several hours. I have played the Croft Manor over half a dozen times and have also played the first four levels (Peru) in the Original version. The first Tomb Raider game has always been my favorite, so I am trying to play the Original while I play the new one. I love comparing the games, and so far Crystal Dynamics has done great at keeping to the Original! Thanks C.D.!!!
Now if only C.D. could team up with CORE, then they would make the best Tomb Raider games ever! You see, Legend is not one of my favorite Tomb Raider games because of the storyline. C.D. had to change Lara's historical background in order to get a story. How lame! CORE always created great stories without messing with the already-set-history of Lara Croft. I think it was a bad move on C.D.'s part for changing Lara's past. Now fast-forward to TR Anniversary, and what do you have? Terrific graphics with a fantastic storyline!!! Let CORE do the plots, and let Crystal Dynamics stick to the graphics - then you would have the best Tomb Raider games ever!!!
By the way, TOMB RAIDER ANNIVERSARY ROCKS!!! Don't miss it!!!
Posted by
4:10 PM
Well...it had been a long and tiring last week full of kindergartners and strange, even horrible occurrences. First, at the beginning of last week, a friend of mine, Liz, was in a car accident with a semi. Thankfully she is fine and without a scratch on her. Also this last week there was another car accident with another friend of mine, Sue, who was backed into by a truck at the hospital. Thankfully she is alright as well. But...then the unthinkable happened last week. A friend I had gone to college with, Amanda Ropte, was greeted early Friday morning with terrible news. Her father, who had been driving his tractor home late Thursday night, was hit by a drunk driver and thrown from the tractor. Lance Ropte has passed on to be with the Lord. Today, Monday, was his funeral that my family and I went to. His wife is one of the teachers at Community Christian School where my brothers attend and my mother works. It has been a sad day, and yet a happy one. For we do not live without hope but with hope! Lance Ropte has passed on, but now he is with his Savior! What a glorious day it must be in heaven for one of our Father's sons has gone home!
Posted by
4:08 PM
Do you know how to be a spy? Seen enough spy movies to figure it out? Got all of the gadgets pretty much memorized? Are you sure? Just how many spy gadgets are there? Who knows! There are probably hundreds! Well...if you were a spy, what gadgets and gizmos would you use to complete your top-secret and dangerous missions?
Let's see, there is always the ever present use of guns, but I think that spies use something more ethical and less messy. What kind of weapons would spies use? Something like a tazer gun but much more advanced. Something silent, compact, and cool! I would use a weapon that is incapable of killing anyone but would knock out my opponent without so much as the sound of a pin dropping. I would also use special glasses with microscopic cameras attached to them. I would use unseen recording devices, cell phone tappers, phone line tappers, grapple lines, and whatever else technology can come up with. Being a spy would be cool, exciting, exhilarating, frightening, and surely dangerous.
How would you like to be a spy and learn all about and even use all of the special ops gadgets? Well...now you can watch how a CIA spy works through the USA Network's Burn Notice show. This new TV series is about a CIA agent who has been given a burn notice, basically a notice letting him know that he has been fired and his life has been turned upside down. You see, spies don't get the easy way out of a job. They get the hard way!
Find out more about spies and their gadgets by watching this new, exciting show about Michael Weston, a CIA operative who has been given his burn notice. What tools will he use to survive? Find out on June 28th!!!
"This is a paid post."
Posted by
5:55 PM
Tonight was the last night of Avalanche Ranch, and I was glad for it to finally be over! The kindergartners were awesome the first two nights, but for the last three they were extremely noisy and rowdy. Every year I have worked with the 5th and 6th graders, but this was the oddball year. It was strange but fun to be with the younger kids. It was a change from the usual, but I really hope that next year I get to be with the older kids!
I really hope and pray that VBS impacted several children's lives this year. I pray that they continue to come to church and that they grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
God Bless the Little Children!!!
Posted by
10:16 PM
I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! Wednesday night's dance performances were awesome!
My Favs:
1) Sara Vongillern and Jesus Solorio
- Strange, but Cool Dance to Carbaret Hoover
2) Anya Garnis and Danny Tidwell
- The Jive to Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne
3) Jamie Goodwin and Hokuto Konishi
- Hip-Hop to Tambourine
4) Kameron Bink and Lacey Schwimmer
- A Love Story to Dancing
5) Pasha Kovalev and Jessi Peralta
- Waltz to Come Away With Me
6) Sahuna Noland and Jimmy Arguello
- Broadway Style to Ease On Down The Road
The OK's:
7) Sabra Johnson and Dominic Sandoval
- Disco to No More Tears (Enough is Enough)
8) Lauren Gottlieb and Neil Haskell
- Salsa to Friday Night Rhythm
9) Faina Savich and Cedric Gardner
- Hip-Hop to Get It Shawty
10) Ashlee Langas and Ricky Palomino
- Tango to Sentimiento Tanguero
It was an awesome night filled with great dances! I initially loved them all! But on Thursday night, a couple had to leave.
The Bottom Three Were:
1) Ashlee Langas and Ricky Palomino
2) Sabra Johnson and Dominic Sandoval
3) Faina Savich and Cedric Gardner
And the Dancers to Leave Were:
Ashlee Langas & Ricky Palomino
Don't forget to check out IdolStarTV.com for all of your favorite So You Think You Can Dance Videos!!!
Posted by
11:59 PM
Last night after Vacation Bible School, I was invited by several girls to go to the Fort 8 Theatre and watch Pirates 3 yet again. I have never in my life gone to a movie at night because the price is so high ($7.50), but I decided to go because of the friends that invited me and because of the fellowship. I was not disappointed. It was lots of fun to hang out with the gals for once, and I even understood the movie so much better the 2nd time around. Now all of the betrayals make sense! All in all, it was a well spent ticket!
Because of last night's late night, I watched American Inventor this morning. Awesome show!!! Anyway, I was so glad to see who won for Los Angeles and San Francisco. The winners were Ricky DeRennaux and his "HT Custom Racers" toy product and Greg Chavez and his "Guardian Angel" automatic Christmas tree fire extinguisher kit. YES!!! Exactly who I wanted to see go on! Can't wait to see next week's episode!!!
Posted by
11:22 AM
What would you do if you were stranded in a city that you had never been to before? You have no resources - no money, no credit cards, no phones, nothing! How would you live? Where would you sleep? On the street? What about food? How would you SURVIVE?
Well...for me, the first thing that I would do is walk around the city for a little bit during the day, getting acquainted with my surroundings. After I had walked around for a little bit, I would look for a phonebook and find out where a church or shelter home was located. I would then walk there and get some food, shelter, clothes, and maybe even some money from such kind, hospitable people. I believe that the best thing you can do in a situation like that is to find people that will help you. There are people everywhere in this world that are kind and compassionate enough to help people in need. And as far as my will to survive, I would struggle to stay alive only if the means were morally correct.
But what would a spy who was terminated from the CIA do in such a situation? On June 28th you can find out with the USA Network's Burn Notice show. When CIA operatives get fired from their jobs, they don't get a note from the Human Resources department. Their lives are torn apart, and they have to resort to desperate measures to SURVIVE. Find out Michael Weston survives and see if you would do the same.
"This is a paid post."
Posted by
5:31 PM
This week was the start of my church's Vacation Bible School, and our theme this year is Avalanche Ranch. This year is definitely different for me because I am a leader of one of the kids' groups. But even more different is the fact that I am the leader of the Kindergarten group. I'm usually with the 5th & 6th graders every year, but this year is totally different!
I've always loved being with the older kids, but the younger and smaller kids are so cute!!! There is this little girl who's name is Morgan, and she is constantly saying the darnedest things! Adorable!!!
Well...anyway...my group's name is the Royal Riders and our color is purple. Our sign is so cool - it has a horse made completely out of glitter on it! Awesome! My mother helped me make that. But I did make up my cowgirl hat with jewels around the rim. Looks pretty snazzy! They're calling me the Rhinestone Cowgirl! LOL!
Well...only three nights left! The first two were great so far. First we only had FIVE kids, and now we have SEVEN kids. It's way too much to handle! LOL!
Posted by
3:28 PM
PayPerPost. If you haven't heard of it yet, then you are missing out!!! PayPerPost is the leader in their industry, and now with their newly acquired $7 million, they have the chance to expand their exciting advertising space as Ted Murphy, the chief executive officer of PayPerPost, put it. But what will they do with this $7 million? I can't wait to find out! PayPerPost has provided the average joe with a way to make money online rather simply and their business is booming day-by-day, but even after earning so much money, they still pay attention to the little guy. PayPerPost has always given us great opportunities to make money, to get our names out there as well as our blogs, and to meet new and exciting people through blogging. So what will they do with the money? Make PayPerPost better than it ever could be!!! They will continue to help the average joe and the expert, all at the same time! They will continue to provide great opportunities as well as some excellent new ones! PayPerPost is loyal and faithful and a great company! Surely they will give back for all of the funding in ways that will make us all happy! Thanks PayPerPost!!!
Press Release:
The PayPerPost Revolution Accelerates, Sponsored Blogging Marketplace Secures $7 Million Series B
Draper Fisher Jurvetson leads round and joins Board of Directors
ORLANDO, FL – (June 12, 2007) – PayPerPost, the leading marketplace for advertisers to reach bloggers and other consumer content creators, today announced it has completed a $7 million second round investment led by Draper Fisher Jurvetson, an investor in the company's Series A and one of the world’s leading high-technology venture capital firms. The financing brings the total amount of capital raised by PayPerPost to over $10 million, giving the company considerable resources for further development as the industry’s leading Consumer Generated Advertising marketplace. Additional participants in the round include existing investors Inflexion Partners and Village Ventures as well as new investor DFJ Gotham. With this investment, DFJ Managing Director Josh Stein also joins PayPerPost’s Board of Directors.
“PayPerPost created this exciting new advertising space and has established itself as the industry leader,” said Ted Murphy, chief executive officer of PayPerPost. “Although we’ve only used a portion of our first round capital, this added support from investors unlocks significant growth potential. Our content creator and advertiser ROI metrics clearly demonstrate the upside for PayPerPost’s model. We intend to use this capital to build the infrastructure, visibility and professional expertise necessary to reach and retain a greater network of advertisers and content creators than ever before.”
Since its founding in June of 2006, PayPerPost has signed more than 6,500 advertisers to its groundbreaking service, which has enabled Consumer Content Creators to be compensated for their efforts discussing specific companies, products or services via blogs, videos or other media. The content creators are required to disclose relationships with advertisers on their blog, providing transparency for the end reader. Over 125,000 Internet postings, most in the form of blogs, have already earned money for their creators through PayPerPost’s innovative marketplace. PayPerPost recently released PayPerPost Direct, a disruptive new service that allows advertisers to contract and negotiate directly with individual bloggers they identify through a safe, managed system.
“PayPerPost has laid a strong foundation for the future,” noted Tim Draper, founder and managing director of Draper Fisher Jurvetson. “It continues to attract a critical mass of participants from both the advertising and blogging communities. Analogous to Overture’s sponsored search model, we believe PayPerPost’s business model holds disruptive potential and will enable the company to thrive in the evolving paid-content arena.”
To mark the $7 million dollar funding, PayPerPost has launched a new website detailing the company’s service offering at http://www.payperpost.com. Bloggers and advertisers can easily sign up at the site and begin leveraging the self service marketplace.
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10:03 PM
Who is Kyle XY??? Well...we finally found out! And guess what? He's not a clone! But I was close!
The show went all the way back to Einstein to explain who Kyle XY is. Adam Baylin, Kyle's look-a-like, told him about Einstein's genius and how he probably got that way. Einstein had stayed a couple weeks longer in his mother's womb, thus supposedly developing his brain much more. Adam explained to Kyle that Einstein had started a secret organization that studied the brain's development in the womb and the possibility of prolonging a pregnancy. But the organization was stopped and not brought out again until the 1940's when a new secret group was formed that used women as test subjects. All of the babies died except one. And that one that lived had been in his mother's womb for 13 months, but, unfortunately, the mother passed away after the birthing of her child, Adam Baylin. Adam had had a much more developed brain because of his long gestation period, and as he grew, he worked on using his brain to its full potential. He even designed a special chamber that acted as a womb. Kyle was one of the human test subjects to be birthed in that chamber and left there for several years, developing his brain to its max! Adam Baylin, however, had left the company Zzyzx when they wanted to do more with the project. He had been trying to break Kyle out ever since, and Foss was his help in this affair.
So...that's who Kyle XY is...a science experiment, but still human...just with an overdeveloped brain!
Also in this week's episode, Mrs. Trager had great difficulty with Kyle's moving. She quit her job, stopped cooking, and stopped caring for the rest of her family. But near the end of the episode, she finally got over it and went back to caring for her family.
Kyle discovered that he could move things with his mind, and Adam Baylin revealed that because he had pushed his mind to the limit for so many years, his body was suffering tremendously for it. But before he could die peacefully, Adam was shot. Foss, Adam's security, decided to end the threat of Zzyzx, and so he went there and blew up the building. Without Adam Baylin, Kyle decided that it was time to move back in with his real family, the Tragers. Foss worked up a story for him so that he could keep the real truths a secret, and Kyle returned much to everyone's enjoyment, especially Mrs. Trager's.
Unfortunately, Foss didn't kill everyone in that explosion of Zzyzx. Another test subject like Kyle, a girl, had been released from her chamber and set free to roam in the forest.
Until Next Week...
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11:36 PM
I've always had the horrible habit of biting my nails, but recently I've curbed that habit and now my nails are nice and long and beautiful. Because of that fact, I've been painting my nails all the time now! I love that they are long and look so great! Nail polish rocks! LOL!
Anyway...I just wanted to put that on my Blog, so that's all!!!
Posted by
12:39 PM
Do like to listen to the radio? Do you have Satellite TV? Well...then check out SIRIUS Satellite Radio! I love having the radio on my TV!!! It is so convenient, and the best part is that after watching your favorite show, you can change the channel to your favorite music and take a nap without even moving from your spot on the couch! But before buying your very own SIRIUS Satellite Radio, get a coupon for 15% off your ENTIRE order from the CouponChief! With the CouponChief's great coupons, you can save so much on your next order at SIRIUS. So, why wait? Get your coupon and your SIRIUS Satellite Radio today and start listening to the music you love!
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12:17 PM
Today I went to Garner with my parents to visit my Dad's parents. My Grandmother had had surgery in her wrist, and when we went to visit, she looked like she was doing great! Thank the Lord for that! While at my Grandparents' house, I had talked with Grammy about PayPerPost and Blogging, and I found out that she is making so much more than me!!! LOL! I guess I better work on my blogging a little more if I am to catch up. Anyway, I helped my Grammy learn some things about Windows Movie Maker so she can make videos for PayPerPost now. I had fun teaching her all about it.
After visiting with my Dad's parents, we went to Mason City to visit my Mom's parents. I hung out with my cousin Tanya the rest of the day. We talked, watched TV, surfed the Net, did our nails, went to Wal-Mart, and went to Petco. I had never been to a Petco before, so it was great to finally go inside one of their stores. While there I learned a thing or two about rats and mice. Why would I want to learn about such creatures? Because one day I want to have a rat for a pet! Weird huh? Well...I don't think so. After looking at the rats and mice Petco had for sale, I found that getting a rat for a pet would be much cheaper and easier than I thought. Isn't that great? My cousin and my mom sure don't think so, but tough luck!
While I was hanging out with my cousin, my mother and father were visiting with a Doctor from Ohio who had come to Mason City. My parents got a lot of information about breast cancer, and my mom got a plan set up to use for cleansing her body of fungi and the like.
For dinnertime, we all went out for Mexican food at the Cancun restaurant. Mmm, mmm, mmm it was good!!! We talked some more for several hours until finally me and my parents left to go back to Fort Dodge. It was a fun day, and it was great to visit with Grandparents and Cousins!!!
Posted by
11:59 PM
Everyone likes to win "FREE" stuff, and there are so many sites out there today providing contests and prizes, but you always have to give something up, whether it be a little cash or aggravation in completing so many offers! Well...forget the frustrating offers that only steal your money and time! You can now sign up at whogets.com and enter in contests that are completely FREE!!! You get to sign up for FREE, enter for FREE, get your prizes for FREE!!! Hey! It's ALL FREE!!!
There are two stages: the semi-finals and the finals. In the semi-finals, you get to view what the prize will be, and if you would like to enter the contest, you can. Then 7 entrants are randomly selected and those seven get to write a 100 word explanation as to why they want the prize. Then the whogets.com members get to vote on the best entrant, and the one with the most votes wins!
So...sign up today! It's ALL FREE!!! Whoa, deja vu!
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Posted by
10:53 PM
This is the first year that I have watched So You Think You Can Dance, and so far it has been a rewarding experience. I love this show! I started watching American Idol during its 5th Season, and just after its 6th Season, I saw the commercial for So You Think You Can Dance. Looked as good as American Idol, and so far it has been!
I won't go into much detail about this show because there are so many good dancers. But if I were to pick one that stood out the most, it would be the young, short guy that did the ROBOT. He was awesome, but he wasn't able to go on because he couldn't do choreography. But the hip-hop judge said that he would get him a gig in a movie! SWEET!!!
Anyway...the show is now past all the interesting or funny people and now into the Top 20. Next week the real show starts!!!
Posted by
11:35 PM
Did you happen to watch American Inventor last year? Well...if you didn't, then you missed out on a INVENT-TASTIC show!!! Tonight aired the first episode of Season Two, and, compared to last year, it didn't really live up to its standards. For Pete's sake, they let a woman who "invented" the "AutoBib" - a napkin that you use when eating in your car - go through to the next round! And worse yet, they let that silly guy with the "My Therapy Buddy" go through as well. A doll? That is the best invention American can come up with?
It wasn't all bad. That British judge, Peter Jones, is still on the show, and now George Foreman has become a judge as well!!! They replaced three judges from last year, which was sad to see, but Peter and George made up for it!
The other highlight of this first episode was one great invention! It was called "Guardian Angel" and was presented by a fireman. What the invention did was protect families from Christmas tree fires. There was a present set at the bottom of the tree and from that present ran a hose to where the Angel sat at the top of the tree. It was a great idea, but the fireman didn't actually have a prototype. He only had the vision. But, thankfully, the judges let him go on!!!
So far this year hasn't measured up to last year. Last year was new, sure, but the inventions didn't seem so flat either. Last year there were so many good ones. This year it will be hard to find any good ones! But, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Posted by
10:48 PM
My brother, Tyler aka Tuts, has made several videos in the past and just recently he has begun putting them on YouTube. So...you should definitely go and check them out! He does a lot of skateboarding videos because him, my other two brothers, and the rest of the boys in the neighborhood are all into skateboarding. Tyler does the filming of them and the video editing. He is quite good! So check out his profile on YouTube. He is KnollCrestSK8. And to my brother, Tyler, good job and keep it up!!!
Posted by
1:29 PM
Are you looking to buy new night vision supplies? Well...how about some night vision goggles, night vision binoculars, night vision cameras, night vision monocular scopes, or night vision rifle scopes? These different scopes range from the best generation 1 scopes to the latest generation 4 scopes, and there are even such features as thermal imaging and heatseeker modifications. And now at OpticsPlanet you can buy the best brands for all of your night vision needs, whether those needs be for the neighborhood watch, hunting, security, SWAT, law enforcement, military, or for whatever reason. If you have a need, OpticsPlanet will meet it. Not only do they sell great products from name brand stores such as ATN, Yukon, Bushnell, Trijicon, Weaver, Aimshot, Insight Technology, ITT & many more, but they also have terrific and knowledgeable customer service that is there to answer any questions you may have or take care of any problems that arise. When looking for great products at low prices, OpticsPlanet is the place to start your search! They offer so many products for all of your needs, so visit their website and not only save but get the best products on the market today!
"This is a paid post."
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10:38 AM
Yesterday, Saturday, I spent the day creating my very own Tomb Raider Anniversary Music Video. I had watched so many on YouTube, and I thought to myself, "Self, since I have all of the TRA clips downloaded, why not make my own video?" And so...I did!!! And I love this video - I'm very proud of it! It took me roughly five hours to complete, not too long. It was very fun to create and mess around with all of the clips, organizing them, cutting them, slowing them down, speeding them up, ect. So...here is the debut of my very first video. Watch it and enjoy it!!!
YouTube Address: http://youtube.com/watch?v=jfkKz6Mjqzk
Posted by
10:50 PM
Do you like to look up at the sky, staring into the abyss of the massive universe? Do you love to look at all of the galaxies of stars and planets and even the amazing constellations that God has so marvelously created? Well...if you do, then it is time for you to check out the hottest new astronomy gadget to date. Optics Planet have combined to create a spectacular gadget called MySKY that is a fun, interactive, hand-held, point-shoot-and-identify multimedia guide to our universe. With the use of this fantastic gadget, you will be guided through the night sky even better than a private astronomer could do! While the Meade MySKY is similar to the infamous Celestron SkyScout, MySKY features a full-color LCD screen and the added ability to control a Meade computerized telescope. And better yet, MySKY is easy to operate so that the whole family can enjoy the brilliance of the stars and constellations with just the simple touch of a button. So visit Optics Planet where you can get your very own Meade MySKY for a low, affordable price. And don't forget to check out Optics Planet's other great products such as telescopes, binoculars, microscopes, and more!
"This is a paid post."
Posted by
10:47 PM
Can't wait for the new Tomb Raider Anniversary game!!! It's gonna rock! I am so excited! I have been surfing YouTube for trailers, cutscenes, music videos, and whatever else about the new up-and-coming Tomb Raider game. The more I see, the more I can't wait to get my hands on that game!!! I've been waiting for this game for a couple years now before I even knew they had made one. There was an anticipation in me for a remake of the grand original!!! It was my first real game, the one that got me hooked on video games for life! And of all the Tomb Raider games, this is the most highly anticipated one for me. I can't wait!
Anyway...I've been surfing YouTube for several hours today, or yesterday (it's past midnight now), and I've watched several cutscenes from the game, all of the trailers again and again, and even a few tributes to the last 10 years of Lara Croft's tomb raiding. But just now I found the best video. I loved it. It combined Legend and Anniversary perfectly, showing a lot of new stuff in the upcoming game. It's a music video to the song "I've Got Nerve" by Hannah Montana off of the Disney Channel show. So...here it is for your pleasure - and mine - on my blog! Enjoy!
Posted by
12:19 AM
Have you see the hilarious new comedy called Reno 911! Miami The Movie? Well...if you haven't, then you don't know what you're missing out on!!! The bumbling cops of Comedy Central's hit television series take a trip to Miami Beach for a national police convention, only to find that they must leap into action when the convention center becomes the target of a biological terrorist attack. Everything from then on turns into a laughing riot of mess after mess! You don't want to miss out on this! And even better is the new release of the unrated version of the movie! Check it out today!
But before you go to the store and buy your copy of the movie with the cops in short shorts, head on over to Reno 911! Miami The Movie website and play their outrageous games!!! I just finished playing the Midnight Shootout game for the 2nd time. Why? Because it was so ridiculous that I had to play it again! At first it was weird that you couldn't see what you were shooting at, but that was half the fun! And what about destroying downtown Miami!!! You are equipped with a rocket launcher and told to shoot one past one of the buildings, but who in their right mind wants to just "scare" the people. Of course you want to shoot the buildings! And when you do, the whole city screams in mayhem and everything goes up in flames!!! Reno 911 style, baby!!!
Check out the movie! Check out the site!! And play some ridiculous games!!!
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4:45 PM
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