Meade MySKY - New Astronomy Gadget
Do you like to look up at the sky, staring into the abyss of the massive universe? Do you love to look at all of the galaxies of stars and planets and even the amazing constellations that God has so marvelously created? Well...if you do, then it is time for you to check out the hottest new astronomy gadget to date. Optics Planet have combined to create a spectacular gadget called MySKY that is a fun, interactive, hand-held, point-shoot-and-identify multimedia guide to our universe. With the use of this fantastic gadget, you will be guided through the night sky even better than a private astronomer could do! While the Meade MySKY is similar to the infamous Celestron SkyScout, MySKY features a full-color LCD screen and the added ability to control a Meade computerized telescope. And better yet, MySKY is easy to operate so that the whole family can enjoy the brilliance of the stars and constellations with just the simple touch of a button. So visit Optics Planet where you can get your very own Meade MySKY for a low, affordable price. And don't forget to check out Optics Planet's other great products such as telescopes, binoculars, microscopes, and more!
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