American Inventor & Pirates 3 - Again
Last night after Vacation Bible School, I was invited by several girls to go to the Fort 8 Theatre and watch Pirates 3 yet again. I have never in my life gone to a movie at night because the price is so high ($7.50), but I decided to go because of the friends that invited me and because of the fellowship. I was not disappointed. It was lots of fun to hang out with the gals for once, and I even understood the movie so much better the 2nd time around. Now all of the betrayals make sense! All in all, it was a well spent ticket!
Because of last night's late night, I watched American Inventor this morning. Awesome show!!! Anyway, I was so glad to see who won for Los Angeles and San Francisco. The winners were Ricky DeRennaux and his "HT Custom Racers" toy product and Greg Chavez and his "Guardian Angel" automatic Christmas tree fire extinguisher kit. YES!!! Exactly who I wanted to see go on! Can't wait to see next week's episode!!!