Wednesday, April 11, 2007

American Idol *~* Top 8 *~* & KickOFF

We are down to the Top 8 now, and, sadly, Sanjaya is still on the show. He probably won't be gone this week or the next, but maybe the third week from now we will see him off! I'm hoping!

This week:

(1) Melinda Doolittle - Simon didn't like it, though, and said it appeared too old
(2) LaKisha Jones - Simon and Randy said it was a safe song; Simon said her dancing was bad
(3) Chris Richardson - HOT! Simon said not best vocal but he made it contemporary
(6) Jordin Sparks - Yo Factor; Authentic and Adorable; Simon said it was okay, had nothing stunning about it, and had no progression
(7) Blake Lewis - Best of the Night!

(4) Haley Scarnato - Karaoke style, not a singer's song, bad vocals, Simon said that her strategy was to wear as little as possible because it isn't her voice that is keeping her on AI
(5) Phil Stacey - Not best, boring, good vocal, but no originality

(8) Sanjaya Malakar - Randy said he was one of the smartest contestants and thought his performance was really good, Paula said it was smooth and nice, and Simon said that he couldn't understand a word, he sung it like a 14-year-old, but that it wasn't horrible - Sadly, I have to agree. It wasn't his worst, but I still don't like him at all!

If you want to watch their performances and hear more of what the judges had to say, go to and watch all the videos you want.


Haley Scarnato is finally gone! That was a relief to see! But the real night I'm waiting for is Sanjaya's last! Oh, I hope it is soon!