Wednesday, April 4, 2007

~*~ The Love of Our Savior ~*~

It is almost Resurrection Weekend (known to this world as Easter), and I couldn't be more excited. Once again, for my sixth consecutive year, I am going to Chicago, Illinois for Ascension Convention, a celebration of our Savior! And there is much to be celebrated!

This last Tuesday, I got up early with the express intent to watch The Passion of the Christ. It had been two years since I last watched that amazing film, and I knew that I had waited long enough to watch it again. Once more, it moved me to tears at seeing what my Jesus did for me. He took my sin, my shame, my pain, my sorrow, all of my wrongs, my missteps, and my failings upon Himself to save my soul from Hell itself. Only the Lord Jesus Christ, who was perfect in every way, without sin, and being eternal could take upon Himself the transgressions of the world and have them eternally spent out and punished on the cross and in Hell. Isn't it amazing what He did for us? It still boggles my mind! And all I can do is give Him my all and love Him till the day I die and then into eternity. To live is Christ. To die is gain!

Since it is almost Resurrection Weekend, as we in our household call it, I wanted to share this video with you. It is a music video set to The Passion of the Christ movie with the song "How Great is Our God" sung by Chris Tomlin. Watch it and remember what this time of year is really about. It is all about Him! Every day is all about Him!