Monday, April 23, 2007

HEROES: ".07%"

The long wait is OVER!!!
And the new episode was AWESOME!!!

Peter Petrelli, who we left in Sylar's clutches weeks ago, now faces off with Sylar, but he soon gets stuck in the head with a shard of glass that kills him. Mohinder Suresh, after freed from the ceiling, smashes a chalkboard into Sylar and then makes off with Peter's body before Sylar can do his dirty work. Mohinder takes the body to the Petrelli family where Claire Bennet awaits to meet her father.

Nathan Petrelli has a nice talk with Linderman about his future in the White House as President of the U.S. Linderman then reveals that he has a healing power, but unlike Claire, he heals the things around him instead of himself. Linderman then talks about the bomb and how it could serve for a good purpose of pulling people together in a time of crisis and all that. After Nathan's meeting with Linderman, he returns home to find that Peter is dead.

Nathan and his mother both grieve over Peter. Claire Bennet, who is staying at the Petrelli's, comes down the stairs and sees that Peter is dead. She finally sees her father face-to-face, and she asks to be alone with Peter for a minute. While she is near him, she sees that a shard of glass is lodged in the back of his head, and she pulls it out. Because Peter has Claire's power, he instantly comes back to life. Peter and Claire share a moment where Peter says that she saved his life and she says that now they're even.

Later on that night, Nathan talks to Claire about the election and how he can't have her there until after he wins. In the last scene with the two of them, we see Nathan holding his daughter.

On the other side of things, HRG (Mr. Bennet) was held in a cell by his employers, but he soon devises a plan. Through thinking his plan, Mr. Bennet leads Parkman to break out, free Ted Sprague, and spring himself before it is too late. His boss was going to kill him, Sprague, and Parkman, but now the three devise a plan to shut down the system and stop their evil ways.

As a side note, Linderman later talks to Niki/Jessica and tells her that he needs Micah for an operation. She says NO, but through the use of Bennet's previous partner, "Niki/Jessica" introduces Micah to Linderman and hands the boy over for Linderman's operation.

Now for the death of a HERO. Sadly, Isaac Mendez can't escape his fate, his destiny, his call to be a HERO. Through his death by Sylar's hand, the HEROES will be given the blueprint on how to stop the bomb and kill Sylar. When Hiro originally transported to New York, he saw Isaac dead and also saw the bomb. Isaac's death served the purpose of directing Hiro in his quest. We may not know the full extent of the impact of Isaac's death yet, but we soon will.

The last part of the episode was about Hiro and Ando. They had transported 5 years into the future after the bomb, and the first place they went was Isaac's place. They had hoped to find that he was not dead, but instead Hiro met Hiro.

Next week will be all about the consequences and the aftermath of the bomb if it goes off and if the HEROES fail. Will they fail?

Watch ALL HEROES episodes on NBC