HEROES: "Five Years Gone"
On tonight's awesome episode, Hiro and Ando went five years in the future and got to see the aftermath of the bomb. The first place they went was Isaac Mendez's apartment. There Hiro came across Future Hiro. From Future Hiro they learned that he had created this stringed timeline set up in Isaac's apartment, and he was looking for the loophole in the timeline that he could return to to undo the bomb. He had found the spot! He had teleported back to the subway that Peter had been on and had told him to save the cheerleader to save the world. Future Hiro told Hiro and Ando that Sylar had been the bomb. But before he could explain anything more, Homeland Security, along with Matt Parkman, barged in and arrested Hiro. Future Hiro and Ando got away, and then they teleported to Las Vegas in search of Peter Petrelli, the only man who could help them retrieve Hiro.
Matt Parkman, who is basically in control of Homeland Security and works for the President, interrogates Hiro and finds that he doesn't remember anything that he's done in the last five years. Meanwhile in Las Vegas, Future Hiro and Ando meet with Niki, Peter's girlfriend. Apparently Micah was killed in the bomb, and DL is dead as well. Future Hiro asks to speak to Peter because he needs his help in stopping the bomb. Niki tells them to leave, so they go to visit Mr. Bennet instead. Later we see Peter talking with Niki, and Peter now has his scar. But what is it from?
At the White House, Nathan Petrelli, now the President of the US, has a discussion with Professor Suresh about killing off the "special" people before another Sylar incident occurs. Suresh tells Nathan that even if he had 20 years, a cure would not be found. So Nathan devises a plan to get rid of all the "special" people before another Sylar can destroy the world.
Future Hiro and Ando go to visit Mr. Bennet and tell him that Peter Petrelli saved Claire in the past because of what Future Hiro told him. They explain to him that they need people to help with Hiro's breakout. Mr. Bennet says he will be back. He doesn't go to get the people they need, though. Instead he goes to visit his daughter. At the restaurant where she works, he tells her to leave as soon as possible. She says she can't because she is getting married to a man named Andy. Mr. Bennet still urges her to leave as soon as possible.
Mohinder Suresh, who has now come to New York, goes to Isaac's apartment and sees the timeline. He discovers that Peter Petrelli was telling the truth that day on the subway. Future Hiro had traveled back in time and changed the past and the future.
Back at Mr. Bennet's place, Ando asks Future Hiro some questions about himself, but before Future Hiro can answer, he is shot with a taser gun by Matt Parkman. Homeland Security moves in to arrest the two comrades, but Peter Petrelli appears, stops time, and then teleports the three of them out of there and back to Las Vegas.
Back in Las Vegas, Peter tells Ando the truth about what happened to him. He died in the bomb, and after his death, Hiro lost his sense of hope. Peter tells Ando that Hiro's real reason for going back in time is to save his friend.
Back at Mr. Bennet's place, he returns to find Matt Parkman there. They had made a deal before that Mr. Bennet could help the harmless "special" people but turn in the harmful ones to Parkman. Now Parkman decides to break that deal. He pulls a gun on Mr. Bennet and demands to know where Claire has been hiding. He finds out just before he shoots him.
Back at the restaurant, Claire asks her fiancee to elope with her. He goes to get his things, but she is caught by Matt Parkman and taken to meet her father, Nathan. At the Petrelli Mansion, Claire has a meeting with her father. He declares that he is the most "special" person of them all, and then he stops Claire in her tracks before she can leave. He raises his hand, and begins to cut through her forehead. Sylar says that he has been waiting for this moment for a long time.
When Future Hiro finally awakens, he has a nice talk with Ando. In the other room, however, Peter is having a heated discussion with Niki. He finally confesses to her that he was the bomb! Nathan had only made the world believe that it was Sylar to protect him. But now he had a chance to change that, so he left with Future Hiro and Ando to go rescue Hiro.
Nathan Petrelli (Sylar) now stands before the world and announces that he has found a cure. Meanwhile, Suresh visits Hiro in his holding chambers and brings with him the cure. Hiro begs him not to inject him with it because he has to stop the bomb. Suresh apologizes and then sticks the needle in the Haitian. The Haitian falls down dead. Downstairs, Future Hiro, Ando, and Peter fight their way to the top past Parkman and his security.
(About the Future: With Claire dead before Peter saved her, Sylar lived. Hiro was the one that stabbed him with his sword, but because Sylar had taken Claire's power, he regenerated and lived. But Hiro went back to the past and told Peter to save her. He did, but Sylar still hasn't been killed, so he is still alive. Because Claire now lives, Sylar can be killed by Hiro. His mission now is to return to the past and run his sword through Sylar, ridding the world of him at last. Through Isaac's drawings of the 9th Wonders comics, Hiro discovers how to kill Sylar. Isaac was a HERO before his death. But what about the bomb? How is Claire connected to that? How do they stop it? It is Peter that blows up, not Sylar. But is Sylar somehow intertwined in the future of the bomb?)
Once Future Hiro, Ando, and Peter make it to the top, Ando is reunited with Hiro and they are told to leave. Future Hiro agrees to transport them back, but he is soon shot by Parkman and dies. Meanwhile, back at the assembly, the President answers an urgent phone call from Parkman that says the Haitian is down and they need reinforcements to capture Hiro. Nathan/Sylar makes a quick decision, and in front of millions, he flys off. Once he arrives, he reaches his hand in through the door and pulls out Peter. (Sylar must have killed DL) Peter knows that his brother doesn't have the power to walk through walls, so he asks who he is. The illusion disappears and Sylar faces Peter. Peter's hands turn to fire, and Sylar's turn to what looks like the radiation spark from Sprague. They walk towards each other and engage in a fight.
With Hiro dead and Peter gone, Suresh holds back the door and urges Hiro to leave. Finally when it seems too late, Hiro and Ando transport back to the past, before the bomb goes off. Hiro's last comment is, "Now comes the hard part," and thus ends the episode.
It was a pretty sweet episode that revealed how Sylar could be killed and why saving the cheerleader was so important. But I get the feeling that Sylar is connected in some way to the bomb. Since it is Peter who is the bomb, how will he be stopped?
Only Next Monday Will Tell!!!